The Flintstones lived in a world with dinosaur / animal powered machines, whereas the Jetsons lived in a futuristic Utopia of elaborate robotics, foreign life, holograms and nifty inventions that all rely on data processing and artificial intelligence. Automation seemed to enable them to have more "time" for innovation, family and exploring personal interests. It appeared that they were always together as a family or with friends. Jetsons saw tech and data as a way to improve their human condition and relationships.
It must have been a unique experience to have been living so simply in nature during a non-technical era where humans walked around barefoot, wearing animal fur, hunting, gathering and migrating. But after a while people got tired of doing things the hard way. They wanted to make things more efficient and effective through ideas. As each idea was introduced and produced, more innovation occurred. This innovation started to create a world more automated than before.
We now live in a world that has technology everywhere as well. Mobile devices and the internet certainly opens up communications globally and increases our ability to connect and learn from other humans. We use technology openly in our every day lives, but there are still people who fear how technology will evolve. The biggest fear is technology replacing humans, so people actively want to kill tech, while others want it to let it thrive and help us evolve. Some cannot help but to see the dark side of Tech. But the truth is, AI, Data and Technology will help us evolve the human condition and achieve greater levels of productivity, creativity, and health / resilience than we have ever reached before. And doing so will only be done with a humans touch.
We must be realistic with ourselves that in 2017 and beyond, we will push the limits faster and further than they ever have been able to before. The rate of change we will notice will be more profound than any industrial or technological revolution that our world has ever faced before.
Humans have and always will continue to create and innovate. Technology will continue to rapidly evolve our species, but doing so safely with a human's touch and with deep understanding of human psychology and cognition is key.
Are you a flintstoner (stuck in the stone age with animal powered buggies) or a jetsoneer (preparing, learning and training to advance the human race with the human race)?
Dr. Mercedes Sotomayor says perfectly below "Technology should help us have a better quality of life. Gives us time to enjoy and spend time with loved ones, gives us time to think and innovate and give us time to take care of ourselves and the community." #perspective #psychology #datascience @anesesmercedes z-growth
Definitely a Jestoneer! You said it. Technology should help us have a better quality of life. Gives us time to enjoy and spend time with loved ones, gives us time to think and innovate and give us time to take care of ourselves and the community.